So I took yesterday and today off of work. I decided that I needed a little break (I'm needing those a lot lately) and Thursday is Pat's regular day off so I thought it would be good for us to spend some time together. We got up at 10 yesterday (well, I did... someone else got up a bit earlier!) and went for breakfast and then off to Granville Island where we poked around all the stores. It was a bit chilly outside, but I was armed with my hand knit hat, mitts and my Terra shawl. Cozy as a bug in a rug! After Granville Island, we went to Chinatown for a looksee and a cocktail bun and then off to try and find the Lululemon outlet and get some chocolate milk from the local dairy. (the lululemon outlet is much larger and better lit than the old one and it's got better parking, altho you should probably ask someone who's been there how to get there, because it's kinda hard to find and they put exactly two signs up along the way).
In the evening I sat and knitted on the baby blanket (I'm decreasing... yay!) and drank a Granville Island Winter Ale (so good... get some while they're still around because the production has stopped, so it's only a matter of time before you have to wait till next year!).
Today I got up early (8:45) and went and met my friend Glenda and we went down to Button Button and Dressew. I needed to get some fabric for the back of the baby blanket because the starwars stuff just won't work out (altho they're still getting something made out of it because what the heck do I need a piece of starwars fabric for!). And we spent about an hour in Button Button sorting through the washtub full of loose random buttons. I also got a really awesome vintage button for my bulky garter scarf so I'm really excited to get that scarf done so I can wear it!
Then we went to Bean Around the World for lunch and some knitting before it was time to drop her off at her PT appointment and I went and bought runners! (I'm so excited that I can finally start walking/jogging again!).
Now I'm home, have checked the cat over for infection in his wounds (he got into a massive fight yesterday) and made him a vet appointment for next Saturday. I'm sure he'll be THRILLED! I also made an appointment to get my sewing machine looked at, since it broke the first time I got to using it and then I think my list of errands floating around in my head is looking pretty good. Vet: check! Runners: check! Sewing machine repair: Check!
Next up on the list of things I have to do is sew my hoodie, make pajama pants (out of this super awesome chocolate brown flannel covered in pink cupcakes), put a bunch of yarn up for sale/trade and start spinning on my spinning wheel.... the list is never ending really.
Here's us at Bean this afternoon... Doesn't this look cozy?
Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals: Weaving with Fine Yarns
19 hours ago
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