I even put loads and LOADS of cream in it and it's still that dark coffee color... that's a STRONG COFFEE! It's like an unexpected gift! My coffee every morning comes from the same place, made by (for the most part) the same guy in the same way... it's always divine (otherwise, why would I go out of my way to go there), but today it's extra super duper awesome! He must have known that the life is slowly being sucked out of my body by my allergy to cherry blossoms and the fact that I feel I can't sleep enough lately... I blame that mostly on the allergies and a little on being depressed... being depressed usually means that I WANT to sleep my days away, but my allergies and pure exhaustion prevent me from actually staying awake... it's the depression that makes it impossible to talk myself out of going to bed for a two hour nap at six pm!
I digress! The coffee is fantastic and MUCH needed and I am now armed to get through my day!
Write about the fate of a past knitting project. Whether it be something that you crocheted or knitted for yourself or to give to another person. An item that lives with you or something which you sent off to charity.
There are a lot of different aspects to look at when looking back at a knitting project and it can make for interesting blogging, as much of the time we blog about items recently completed, new and freshly completed. It is not so often that we look back at what has happened to these items after they have been around for a while.
How has one of your past knits lived up to wear. Maybe an item has become lost. Maybe you spent weeks knitting your giant-footed dad a pair of socks in bright pink and green stripes which the then ‘lost’. If you have knit items to donate to a good cause, you could reflect on the was in which you hope that item is still doing good for it’s owner or the cause it was made to support.As has been made abundantly clear over time, I generally do not knit for other people...It's not that I don't believe them to be worthy... it's more that I sincerely don't care if they're worthy. My hobby is mine to do with that which I please and that's really all there is to it. Now, that's not to say that I don't knit for other people, because my mom, girl bestee, my sister, my man, my dad, boy bestee, girl bestee again, my two other friends and a new baby have all been recipients of my knitting. I knit each item for them because I wanted to and the rest of alllllll of my knitting has gone to the most grateful recipient of all... me!
Most of the things that I make for me I know exactly what happened to them... they're all sitting in a neat pile in the bottom of my side of the school lockers that we use for our coat closet (one day I'll take a picture of that for you!). I wear exactly three shawls in rotation for the most part... one of which I didn't even make! My Candy Shawlette from PJ www.kneadsknitsandknothing.blogspot.com, my Terra that I just finished and my Haruni, because it's so junky now that I don't care if it gets ruined (knitpicks and I are not friends!). Now, this is not to say that I don't love and cherish all the other ones, and I would certainly not give them away... each is perfect in it's own way for something... just because that 'something' hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean that it's not still perfect. (and don't worry, I'm not a plastic on the couch, unburned candles sort of person... I don't 'save' things for a better time... but really, how many shawls and hats can one person wear at a time!).

I used to do a lot of 'crafting'. I painted, made stuff, invented stuff, did woodworking etc... and I have nothing to show for it. I gave everything away when I was younger because the giving made the other person feel good and I didn't know that keeping would make me feel good. Socially we're considered selfish if we don't hand over whatever it is we have that someone else wants (within reasonable value, and unfortunately most of the world doesn't give the proper value to hand made items). I like keeping all these shawls and hats and scarves for myself. Not because I may ever use them but because making myself something feels good and for me, looking back on the items that I made by actually looking at the physical item is rewarding to me!
So I'm happy to say that I know EXACTLY what has happened to every item I've ever knitted and I hope to be able to say that next year as well!