Well, to be fair, I did partially plan this weekend, but it was even better than I was expecting!
Friday afternoon Sam and I went to get the fluffballs on the tops of our heads tamed... I HAVE GOT to start putting advance appointments in my calendar so my hair stays as dang good looking as it is now... the man is a genius!
After hair we met up with a long time friend of Sam's from back in Saskatchewan and had dinner at Locus. Since we're both going grain and dairy free starting tomorrow, we were sort of living it up this weekend. I had a grilled cheese with carmalized onions on marble rye and a ceaser. So good!
After I dropped them off downtown to go clubbing (P'cess doesn't 'club'), I went home and got up at the crack of dawn on Saturday to clean the house, make the pillows, prep dinner and then head down to Glenda's work to go yarn shopping (who can resist a sale!).
On Saturday night, Kathleen came over for dinner (recipe to follow) and then Sam and his friend Matt came over to visit and have a beer. We had a great time. It's been a LONG time since I opened the door to my home for someone I didn't know... it was kind of an anxious moment but Kathleen helped me tidy up dinner and ease my mind. As much as I've come a long way in the last ten months, I'm still very insular and my inner circle is tight and I don't like letting people into it. The funny thing was, Matt sort of just 'fit'... he's very nice, considerate, funny and not at all assuming, so it was very comfortable. Score one for me! I met new people this weekend AND one of them came over to the house.
The only down side of Saturday night was Sunday morning... Since I drank the better (and I mean BETTER) part of two bottles of wine and a beer (lol, I typed bear... I did not drink a bear!), Sunday morning spent a goodly amount of time trying to kill me. Kathleen was up and out of the house for her class at 9 and I was very ambitious... I got in the shower, styled my new do, applied makeup and then started waiting around for our brunch date... By 10:05, I had accidentally climbed back into bed (fully clothed) and started moaning about my poor aching head. Sam called and said brunch was delayed and that he'd wake me up when it was time to go...
By 12:30 when he called I was seriously tempted to throw the phone against the wall and go back to sleep, but I'm more (not much ) mature than that so I hauled out of bed and went for brunch.
Brunch, errands, cooking and cleaning later, I went for a nap in the afternoon and I've been hanging out on the sofa with my new (very favorite) knitting project...
I feel like I really squeezed as much fun as I could handle out of this weekend. It was great seeing both my very closest friends and meeting a new one... napping, cooking, good food and laughs. What more can you ask for? Besides an Advil... or three...
Spinning Library: The Fleece & Fiber Sourcebook
23 hours ago