I've noticed a disturbing trend with the coming of spring and the sunshine.... This trend rests entirely with women... and that is HOOKER HEELS! I've seen more than my fair share of women who have busted out the chunky, too high, platform patent heels on women who shouldn't be wearing them... in the middle of the day! That's right... apparently it's okay to wear Eff Me Heels to work! I gather from what these women are wearing that they're not actually hookers or any similarity of such... more office workers and retail employees. I don't remember this phenomenon ever happening before and I can't quite figure out what's causing it. This winter hasn't been that bad... really... a few more snowy days than one might prefer, but it's been better than winters memories of the recent past... now, I guess you could say that winter has been more horrible than any other, due to the summer (or lack thereof) that we Vancouverites experienced, but I still don't think we've been so deprived as to feel it necessary to dress like a hooker in March...
If women feel it necessary to express their thrill at spring's arrival, what exactly will they be wearing come Summer? Nothing? Leather studded bustiers and fishnet stalkings??
I have an appointment for all my immunizations on Friday... I think I'll probably go to the appointment and describe my massive tummy problems to them instead and then reschedule the stix for another day... That's the nice part about working for a medical establishment... you have people at your service. Hopefully they can give me a referral to some specialists and allergists so that I can get my problems figured out. I think having been sick every day for a year is enough time, and it's gotten exponentially worse in the last month... Time to get some things sorted out.
I'll be taking Kitty to the vet pretty soon too... now that he has health insurance I can take him to the vet to find out what his twitch is about... he had a really bad one when I was petting him today.... :(
That's all for me... Usually by the evening I've forgotten how snuggly my bed was in the morning... I either feel really miserable or it was especially comfy, cause I've been thinking about getting back in all day! A day FILLED with back to back to back meetings... 10-430 meetings... good times!
Spinning Library: The Fleece & Fiber Sourcebook
23 hours ago
You know what I'VE noticed this spring? Every sunny day that we have, drive down the street and notice the mid-twenty to early thirty year olds busting out of their clothes. You can tell that they are new clothes and not last season's. Is this year's style 'sausage casing'?
Not everyone needs to be a size 6, that's for certain...so I say, if you are NOT a size 6 then maybe don't BUY a size 6 and expect it to look alright!
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