Okay, totally not knitting related really (altho I will give a knitting update on an awesome new project I'm working on), but there's someone that sits about six feet away from me and he smells like he carrys heavily scented laundry detergent around in his pockets! It has smelled up the entire office, it gives my manager hives and me a migraine! And what I don't understand is why that person's 'sensibilities' are of more concern than the people in the office that are being dramatically affected by the smell! I do know that I'm not living a whole nother week with this stink...
So my new awesome project that I'm super excited about is a baby blanket for my friend. She was due on Tuesday, but so far no baby, and even if she has the little guy in the next week, I'm pretty sure she won't mind if the blanket is a bit late. The reason it's late is because I found the perfect yarn, but then we decided it was a bit too 'girlie' for a boy if made into a sweater or hat. So then I decided to make a Bunny Buddy for him, but once I started knitting it up, I realized that it would make a perfect baby blanket. I'm just doing it in garter stitch in dish cloth style (k2, yo, knit to end) but the yarn is knitting up really pretty. To make it less 'girly' and boring (since it's just garter) I found some retro Star Wars flannel on ebay that I'm going to buy to line the back of it. The father of the baby is an absolute star wars FANATIC and he hates that I've never seen it and don't know anything about it. To be fair to him tho, the flannel is really cute and will make a perfect backing on the blanket! The piece I'm buying is 28"x32", so I might buy a piece of something else to put a border around it, since that's a bit small... and I just realized I have to rip out what I did already and recast on because I want the blanket to be a rectangle and the dishcloth method gets you a perfect square. I don't mind tho... I can also cast on with bigger needles, which I wouldn't mind doing... I'll probably still do the 2 stitch garter border and then put a crochet edge on it (time dependant).
Well, I'm glad I wrote about this now, because it worked out my plan in my head! ;)
In the time between when I wrote this (Friday morning) and now (Monday morning), the plan has changed. I've purchased the flannel and I'm almost ready to start decreasing on the square blanket... I checked online and many many baby blankets are between 24" and 32" squares... so mine is right in the middle! Also, the baby was born yesterday at 12:57pm, so no time to rip and redo! It's looking insanely cute and I can hardly wait for it to be done!
This weekend it snowed like CRAZY here... not much in comparison to the other parts of our country and our American neighbors, but enough that it caused terror on the roads on Saturday night. I worked on Sunday and again, enjoyed it a lot! It's such a nice environment and even when you're counting four thousand balls of yarn in five thousand different colors, it's a nice place to be!
This week is shaping up to be reasonably nice outside and I might take Thursday and Friday off, which would be lovely.... I need to get my sewing machine fixed and it would be nice to spend the day on Thursday with Pat!
Spinning Library: The Fleece & Fiber Sourcebook
21 hours ago